keeping us going how mental health problems affect friendship and how friends can support each other.
look after your mental health in later life
sleep well: a pocket guide to better sleep
talking therapies is for anyone who wants to know more about different types of talking therapy or hear the experiences of people who have used them. It advises how to find a therapist who is right for you and suggests where to look for more information.
what works for you? how to help colleagues through tough times.
guides produced by Together:
are you worried about someone's mental health?
are you worried about your mental health?
getting help in a crisis
getting back into the world
good health guide
lesbian, gay and bisexual issues and mental health
medication: choice and managing treatments
nhs treatment: your rights
recovery insights
recovery programme for depression
spirituality and mental illness
stress at work
talking about mental health
guides from Mind:
how to cope as a parent with a mental health problem
how to cope as a carer
how to cope with loneliness
how to support someone who is suicidal
other guides:
staying well with bipolar from Rethink.
changing diets, changing minds how food affects mental well-being and behaviour. From Sustain, the alliance for better food and farming.
caring for yourself: an introduction
caring for yourself: being a carer
caring for yourself: information
caring for yourself: communication skills
caring for yourself: problem solving and achieving goals
caring for yourself: relapse management and staying well
caring for yourself: recovery and hope
caring for yourself: taking care of yourself
a carer's health and well-being plan
caring for yourself: being a carer
caring for yourself: information
caring for yourself: communication skills
caring for yourself: problem solving and achieving goals
caring for yourself: relapse management and staying well
caring for yourself: recovery and hope
caring for yourself: taking care of yourself
a carer's health and well-being plan
types of mental health problems
An A-Z of booklets from Mind:
anxiety and panic attacks
bipolar disorder
body dysmorphic disorder
borderline personality disorder
dissociative disorders
drugs: the mental health effects of street drugs
eating problems
hearing voices
hypomania and mania
obsessive-compulsive disorder
personality disorder
postnatal depression
post-traumatic stress disorder
schizoaffective disorder
seasonal affective disorder
sleep problems
suicidal feelings
anxiety and panic attacks
bipolar disorder
body dysmorphic disorder
borderline personality disorder
dissociative disorders
drugs: the mental health effects of street drugs
eating problems
hearing voices
hypomania and mania
obsessive-compulsive disorder
personality disorder
postnatal depression
post-traumatic stress disorder
schizoaffective disorder
seasonal affective disorder
sleep problems
suicidal feelings
welfare benefits and mental illness from Together.
welfare benefits for carers also from Together.
disability rights uk's guide to making a PIP claim
welfare benefits for carers also from Together.
disability rights uk's guide to making a PIP claim
if you work in mental health
making recovery a reality Geoff Shepherd, Jed Boardman & Mike Slade
understanding recovery Glenn Roberts and Jed Boardman
a good practice guide Together
supporting staff recovery Dorset Wellbeing and Recovery Partnership
becoming a recovery-oriented practitioner Glenn Roberts & Jed Boardman
personalisation: a guide for care coordinators Mind
empowering people: coaching for mental health recovery Rani Bora
co-production in mental health the new economics foundation
co-production in social care Social Care Institute for Excellence
peer support in mental health Thurstine Basset, Alison Faulkner, Julie Repper and Elina Stamou
peer support in mental health: is it good value for money? Marija Trachtenberg, Michael Parsonage, Geoff Shepherd & Jed Boardman
the freedom to be, the chance to dream: preserving user-led peer support Alison Faulkner and Jayasree Kalathil
towards partnerships in mental health Sue Bailey & Richard Williams
making space for spirituality: how to support service users Mental Health Foundation
understanding recovery Glenn Roberts and Jed Boardman
a good practice guide Together
supporting staff recovery Dorset Wellbeing and Recovery Partnership
becoming a recovery-oriented practitioner Glenn Roberts & Jed Boardman
personalisation: a guide for care coordinators Mind
empowering people: coaching for mental health recovery Rani Bora
co-production in mental health the new economics foundation
co-production in social care Social Care Institute for Excellence
peer support in mental health Thurstine Basset, Alison Faulkner, Julie Repper and Elina Stamou
peer support in mental health: is it good value for money? Marija Trachtenberg, Michael Parsonage, Geoff Shepherd & Jed Boardman
the freedom to be, the chance to dream: preserving user-led peer support Alison Faulkner and Jayasree Kalathil
towards partnerships in mental health Sue Bailey & Richard Williams
making space for spirituality: how to support service users Mental Health Foundation
no health without mental health strategy HM Government. A cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages
no health without mental health: implementation framework Centre for Mental Health, Department of Health, Mind, NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, Rethink Mental Illness,
Turning Point.
no decision about us without us is a guide for people who use mental health services, carers and the public, about the No Health Without Mental Health strategy, produced with the support of the Department of Health through the Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme.
slam social inclusion and recovery strategy 2010-2015
slam recovery charter
no health without mental health: implementation framework Centre for Mental Health, Department of Health, Mind, NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, Rethink Mental Illness,
Turning Point.
no decision about us without us is a guide for people who use mental health services, carers and the public, about the No Health Without Mental Health strategy, produced with the support of the Department of Health through the Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme.
slam social inclusion and recovery strategy 2010-2015
slam recovery charter
imroc: implementing recovery through organisational change
making recovery a reality
implementing recovery: a methodology
briefing paper 1: recovery colleges
briefing paper 2: recovery, personalisation and personal budgets
briefing paper 3: recovery, public mental health and well-being
briefing paper 4: a carers' perspective
briefing paper 5: peer support workers - theory and practice
briefing paper 6: the team recovery implementation plan
briefing paper 7: peer support workers
briefing paper 8: supporting recovery in mental health services
briefing paper 9: risk, safety and recovery
briefing paper 10: making recovery a reality in forensic settings
briefing paper 11: advocacy – a stepping stone to recovery
briefing paper 12: ‘continuing to be me’ – recovering a life with a diagnosis of dementia
briefing paper 13: co-production - sharing our experiences, reflecting on our learning
briefing paper 14: recovery - the business case
briefing paper 15: recovery colleges 10 years on
implementing recovery: a methodology
briefing paper 1: recovery colleges
briefing paper 2: recovery, personalisation and personal budgets
briefing paper 3: recovery, public mental health and well-being
briefing paper 4: a carers' perspective
briefing paper 5: peer support workers - theory and practice
briefing paper 6: the team recovery implementation plan
briefing paper 7: peer support workers
briefing paper 8: supporting recovery in mental health services
briefing paper 9: risk, safety and recovery
briefing paper 10: making recovery a reality in forensic settings
briefing paper 11: advocacy – a stepping stone to recovery
briefing paper 12: ‘continuing to be me’ – recovering a life with a diagnosis of dementia
briefing paper 13: co-production - sharing our experiences, reflecting on our learning
briefing paper 14: recovery - the business case
briefing paper 15: recovery colleges 10 years on