Dear Recovery College Students and Friends,
The SLaM Recovery College team are pleased to offer you the latest update to the curriculum and timetable for late March and April 2022. In the Course Descriptions pdf document below you will find the latest course info and timetable.
The Recovery College collaborations with The Horniman Museum and Gardens and The Comedy School bring two new courses in April: ‘Nature for Wellbeing and Planet Audio Challenge’ and ‘Introduction to Illusionary Mime Technique’. Also new for April is our new monthly ‘Research Club’ session to give service users and carers the opportunity to learn about mental health research that has taken place locally and how to get involved in contributing to research and innovation.
In March and April, the Recovery College team is starting to transition back to classroom-based courses and workshops at ORTUS on the Maudsley Hospital site, Mosaic Clubhouse in Brixton, The Horniman Museum, The Comedy School and The Wellness Centre in Croydon. We hope that you will feel confident to join us again and experience coproduced wellbeing education in person! The college will continue to offer online opportunities for those students who prefer to learn from home or their workplace.
With 27 topics to choose from in the coming month, there’s something in the curriculum for everyone. If you would like to learn more about what is on offer at SLaM Recovery College, please visit our weekly Monday student support drop in sessions at ORTUS from 10am-4:00pm.
Online Sessions
- Introduction to Psychological Therapies
- DESMOND: diabetes education and self-management for ongoing and newly diagnosed
- Caring for Carers
- Recovering Our Purpose
- Recipes for Recovery
- Creating a Routine
- Understanding Psychosis
- Understanding Depression (Online)
- Eating Healthily to Look After Your Weight
- Practicing Loving Kindness: massage for the feet
- Making Changes: Where to Start and How to Maintain
- Understanding Bipolar Disorder
- Harnessing Emotional Contagion for Recovery
- Introduction to the Mental Health Advocate
- Introduction to Recovery
- Community Inclusion | Being an Ally
- Hearing Voices
- Working Together: Coproduction in Action
- Coping with Stress
- New!!! Research Club
- Five Obstacles to Wellbeing
- Understanding Health Anxiety
- NEW!!! Nature for Wellbeing and Planet: audio challenge
- Understanding Health Anxiety
- Understanding Depression
- NEW!!! The Comedy School: Introduction to the basics of Illusionary Mime Technique
The Digi Drop in service for people wanting to learn to use their laptop or other digital device such as a tablet or smartphone also continues on Monday afternoons at Ortus - please contact the recovery college team via [email protected] to book a space
To register, please click on the links below which will take you to the online enrolment forms:
If you are a new student, click here:
If you are a returning student, click here: