Course 1 | 10:30am-12:45pm | Tuesdays 13th, 20th, 27th April & 4th May
Course 2 | 2:30pm-4:45pm | Mondays 17th, 24th May & 7th, 14th June
People who have attended the programme have said:
· It’s easy to do, and they felt supported throughout.
· They have learnt lots of new skills, tailored to them, which they can confidently share with others.
· They feel re-energised, are sleeping better, and have a more positive outlook on life.
What does the programme involve?
You are invited to join an exclusive group of people with Type 2 diabetes. During the pandemic we are pleased to be able to offer you a virtual group. The group of up to 6 people will be held online, run by two trained Educators over four weekly sessions of two hours each (plus a 15min break). You will be able to ask questions and clarify information during the course.
Our Educators will support you to increase your knowledge and understanding of what having Type 2 diabetes means for you. The atmosphere is always friendly, informal and very welcoming.
Who can attend?
Anyone with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes who is also a SLaM service user, or a SLaM carer, or a SLaM staff member.
N.B. These courses will be run in the Microsoft Teams Meeting format, meaning that you will be both seen and heard by the other participants.
What will you have to do?
You will need to be prepared to attend all 8 hours over 4 weeks. This is for your benefit so that you can be sure of having all the information that you need. You will be sent login details in advance; you will need to make sure well in advance that you can access this and having an electronic device with a speaker and camera will make this easier. Further details of what to expect from a virtual group will also be sent out once you are booked in.
What will you get from attending?
As well as getting up-to-date information, you will learn practical skills to help to manage your Type 2 diabetes. You will discuss and explore topics such as:
- What is diabetes
- Food choices
- Activity & Medication.
To register your interest in DESMOND, please complete this online form:
N.B. There are 6 places available on each of the two courses. If more than 12 eligible students apply, we will allocate the places randomly, using a random number generator.
Although these courses are free, SLaM Recovery College operates with charity funding. If you feel these webinars help you, and you are able to, please consider making a donation to the brilliant Maudsley Charity which supports innovative wellbeing projects in our communities. There is, of course, no obligation to make a donation. This is the link to make a donation if you’d like to: |