We understand how difficult a time this is for everybody, and particularly for people who experience long term health conditions.
As SLaM Recovery College is unable to offer any classroom-based workshops now, our team has been working behind the scenes to develop online content, including vlogs, webinars and e-learning.
These sessions are available to everyone, free of charge. You don’t need to be a SLaM Recovery College student or have any connection at all to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. We just ask that you answer a few questions and let us know which sessions you’d like to be a part of, using one of the registration forms links below, and we’ll then send you links to the webinars you’ve chosen.
N.B. The great majority of our webinars are run as Live Events on the Microsoft Teams platform, meaning that you can join anonymously and will neither be seen nor heard. Instead, you interact by typing questions and comments into a Q&A panel. Occasionally we will run a course in a Meetings format for a limited group of students, where you will be seen and heard, but these will be clearly identified as such.
Every Friday we will email you the details of the online learning we are offering in the following week.
N.B. If you can't make a particular live event you can still enrol and use the link we'll send you to watch a recording later on.
Two new courses this week!
Daily Mindfulness (you can attend as many or as few as you’d like):
Monday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Monday 16th November
Tuesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Tuesday 17th November
Wednesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Wednesday 18th November
Thursday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Thursday 19th November
Friday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Friday 20th November
Introduction to Beth (1 of 1) |12noon-1pm| Tuesday 17th November
For service users, Beth is very friendly and overall easy to use and supports personal choice and autonomy. You can link your Beth account with your NHS number to access your health records and:
- see who is in your care team and support network
- securely message your care team
- access your current care plan
- see all your appointments
- keep track of your mood and sleep
- use online free and trusted health resources
Understanding Depression Part 2 (of 4) | 2:30pm-3:30pm| Tuesday 17th November
Depression is a common mental health condition which can take hold of your life and just won’t go away. Understanding the signs, symptoms and causes of depression is the first step to overcoming the problem. This course runs over 4 sessions and will explore what depression is, its causes and how it is diagnosed. We will discuss what can help overcome the hurdles to recovery such as negative thinking and what professional support is available. We offer practical tools to help overcome depression as well as how we can support others.
Understanding the Impact of Substance Use on Mental Health Part 3 (of 3) | 2:30pm-3:30pm| Tuesday 17th November
This three-part course explores the use of substances (drugs and alcohol) and their impact on mental wellbeing. At times, using substances can appear to be a solution but it often has a longer-term impact on our wellbeing. During these sessions we will explore why this happens and what support is available to aid recovery.
Smoking and COVID-19 (1 of 1) | 11am-12noon | Wednesday 18th November
In this session, Mary Yates, Nurse Consultant in SLaM, outlines why it’s more important than ever before to quit smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic. She will give an overview of the best ways to quit and how to access support. She will also explain why some researchers think that nicotine (NOT SMOKING!) may help protect against COVID-19.
NEW!! Living with Lockdown Part 1 (of 3): lockdown 2.0 - what we have learnt about lockdown | 2:30-3:30pm | Wednesday 18th November
In this three-part workshop we will explore, and seek to make more sense of, our experiences in lockdown. As well as investigating the psychological impact of separation from people and our usual way of life, we will also look at coping with the many unknowns presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. The sessions will be full of practical tips for how we might manage the many challenges we face in these times, as well as giving opportunities for all our lovely students to support each other with ideas that have helped, and for us all to encourage each other through the journey. It will also help us prepare ourselves better for another potential lockdown if it were to happen. We will also look at the (often overlooked) positive aspects of living with lockdown: the pandemic has also given us space to reflect and reconnect with our inner lives, our core values, and what we might want to change about ourselves and our world when we emerge from confinement back to our fuller lives.
Emotional Intelligence: the path to emotional serenity part 5 (of 5) | 2:30-3:30pm | Wednesday 18th November
This five-part course aims to help you develop an understanding of what emotional intelligence is, how it operates in everyday life, and why it’s important to develop & encourage it. The course will give you more confidence in interpersonal relations, and more self-awareness, enabling you to discover your personal E.Q. The program is packed full of discussions to enable all participants to learn, interactively, the components of emotional intelligence and how this relates to the mental health of service users and social care professionals alike. The more you understand E.Q., the more you can recognise and understand your emotions. And the more you can recognise and understand your emotions, the more you can learn to love them. Emotions are a key to recognising our needs, which can then be managed to enrich our lives.
Communication Skills for Resilient Relationships Part 2 (of 3) | 10:30am-11:45pm | Thursday 19th November
Join this three-part series to gain insight and skills that benefit your personal romantic and non-romantic relationships. It is suitable for everybody, whether you are currently single or in a relationship. The skills can be applied to partners, friends, family, colleagues, as well as those we are yet to meet.
Understanding Anxiety Part 2 (of 4) | 2:30pm-3:30pm | Thursday 19th November
Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time. Most people can relate to those anxious, butterfly feelings when doing something which feels uncertain or feeling fearful about sitting exams, having a medical, going to the dentist. It is a natural feeling and can be useful, as it warns us when we need to take action, when we may be in danger or can even help us to perform better. This four-part course of webinars will examine the facts about anxiety, how it is diagnosed and what it feels like to experience anxiety. We will discuss professional support available, practical techniques to help to relieve anxiety as well as lifestyle changes for wellbeing.
NEW!! Communication and Active Listening (1 of 1) | 2:30pm-3:30pm | Friday 20th November
This one-off workshop explores what active listening is, looks at the benefits of active listening (including exploring its power to transform our conversations), and teaches how we can practice and hone our skills as empathetic listeners.
FIRST TIME REGISTRATION, if you haven’t signed up to a webinar with us before (even if you are a SLaM Recovery College student):
RETURNING STUDENTS REGISTRATION, if you have already signed up to a webinar with us before:
SLaM Recovery College Lewisham Primary Care pilot programme
Several courses funded by the Health Innovation Network (South London) are open to people concerned about their mental health and who are registered with a Lewisham GP, their carers and people working within primary care. This programme includes fully funded Mental Health First Aid training and the DESMOND Type 2 Diabetes programme. See our Primary Care page for further details: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/lewisham-primary-care-webinars.html
Webinar Rewinds
We are now making all of our previously run webinars (18 courses so far, consisting of 80+ sessions) available to watch as recordings. Please visit our Webinar Rewinds page for further details: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/webinar-rewinds.html
Please note: Microsoft Teams software is being used to deliver these sessions. If you are using a laptop or PC you'll be able to join via a web browser. If you are using a mobile phone or a tablet device to take part, you will need to visit the App Store (for iPad/iPhone) or Play Store (for Android tablet/phone) to download the Microsoft Teams app, but it's free and it's a very quick process. We will send you detailed joining guides for Android and iPad/iPhone, as well as laptop/PC, when we send you your webinar links. You will be able to join anonymously and no one will be able to see or hear you, but there's a Q&A component where you can type in questions or make comments.
Please feel free to share this offer of free-to-view webinars with anyone who you think might benefit.
Visit our COVID_19 resources page for details of crisis support, covid-19 advice, online learning, online activities, and staying connected: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/covid-19-resources.html
With very best wishes,
The team at South London and Maudsley Recovery College
Although these courses are free, SLaM Recovery College operates with charity funding. If you feel these webinars help you, and you are able to, please consider making a donation to the brilliant Maudsley Charity which supports innovative wellbeing projects in our communities. There is, of course, no obligation to make a donation. This is the link to make a donation if you’d like to: https://maudsleycharity.org/support-us/make-a-donation/ |