Dear Students, Friends and Colleagues,
The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) are running weekly broadcasts on the theme of community psychological resilience and would really like you to take part. We know that the majority of work preventing mental health problems emerging, and supporting people with them, is done by groups outside secondary mental health. We want to understand this work more deeply and hope the broadcasts are a way of doing this. We also hope to use these broadcasts as a springboard for mapping out how community projects and organisations can work more closely with SLaM.
The broadcasts we have run so far profile a range of projects, including those run by large charities and small mutual aid groups. We have explored examples of integrated working which make a real difference within our local communities, and heard directly from service users and people with lived experience who have been involved in these projects. We would like participants, like you, to use these broadcasts to make comments, respond to other attendees, pose challenging questions, and make connections.
Please sign up for and attend these broadcasts and encourage people in your network to do the same! You can join the broadcasts and sign up to the entire series here:
And you can catch up on previous broadcasts here:
If you know of some work or a project which you think could feature in a broadcast, please contact Amy Mifsud at [email protected]