Hello Students, Colleagues and Friends,
We understand how difficult a time this is for everybody, and particularly for people who experience long term health conditions.
As SLaM Recovery College is unable to offer any classroom-based workshops now, our team has been working behind the scenes to develop online content, including vlogs, webinars and e-learning.
These sessions are available to everyone, free of charge. You don’t need to be a SLaM Recovery College student or have any connection at all to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. We just ask that you answer a few questions and let us know which sessions you’d like to be a part of, using one of the registration form links below, and we’ll then send you links to the webinars you’ve chosen.
Every Friday we will email you the details of the online learning we are offering in the following week.
N.B. If you can't make a particular live event you can still enrol and use the link we'll send you to watch a recording later on.
Here are next week’s webinars for 26th -30th October 2020:
Daily Mindfulness (you can attend as many or as few as you’d like):
Monday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Monday 26th October
Tuesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Tuesday 27th October - This is a recording.
Wednesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Wednesday 28th October
Thursday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Thursday 29th October - This session is a recording.
Friday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Friday 30th October
Moving Towards Self-Compassion Part 6 (of 8) | 12noon-1pm | Wednesday 28th October
This eight-part course explores the idea of self-compassion and how this can lead to a greater sense of self-acceptance and empathy with other people. Each week, we will explore a different topic, practise some self-compassion exercises then reflect on our experience. There will be pre-session and post-session activities which you can complete at home. We hope this course would be of interest to and benefit anyone who might struggle with perfectionism or self-criticism. We also warmly welcome anyone curious about this course, and who enjoys reflecting on what it means to be human.
Making Changes Part 3 (of 4) | 2:30pm-3:30pm | Thursday 29th October
The aim of this course is to enable participants to explore, embrace and prepare for the challenges involved when embarking on a change of lifestyle. This may include reducing alcohol consumption, embarking on an exercise programme or a healthy eating plan. The will also look at decision making and managing and maintaining the process of recovery as it applies, for example, to relapse prevention.
Mental Health Act: the basics
Part 1 (1030am-11:30am) and part 2 (2:00pm-3:00pm) | Thursday 29th October
A two-part workshop on the same day. The workshop aims to support students to:
- Explore the purpose and principles of the Mental Health Act (1983)
- Understand how and why someone may be detained for assessment and treatment using the Mental Health Act (1983) and what this experience is like for service users and carers
- Gain a better understanding of the rights of people being ‘sectioned’ and the responsibilities of the health professionals, family members and advocates who might be involved in this process.
- Learn about the role of mental health tribunals and how sections are lifted/ended
- Understand steps that can be taken to plan for ill health and potentially prevent being admitted under the Mental Health Act.
Surviving Stigma | Mondays from 13:00 – 3:00pm | Monday 26th October – 30th November
- This course is limited to 15 students and all places have now been filled.
If you haven’t signed up to a webinar with us before (even if you are a SLaM Recovery College student):
If you have already signed up to a webinar with us before:
SLaM Recovery College Lewisham Primary Care pilot programme
Several courses funded by the Health Innovation Network (South London) are open to people concerned about their mental health and who are registered with a Lewisham GP, their carers and people working within primary care. This programme includes fully funded Mental Health First Aid training and the DESMOND Type 2 Diabetes programme. See our Primary Care page for further details: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/lewisham-primary-care-webinars.html
Webinar Rewinds
We are now making all of our previously run webinars (18 courses so far, consisting of 80+ sessions) available to watch as recordings. Please visit our Webinar Rewinds page for further details: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/webinar-rewinds.html
Please note: Microsoft Teams software is being used to deliver these sessions. If you are using a laptop or PC you'll be able to join via a web browser. If you are using a mobile phone or a tablet device to take part, you will need to visit the App Store (for iPad/iPhone) or Play Store (for Android tablet/phone) to download the Microsoft Teams app, but it's free and it's a very quick process. We will send you detailed joining guides for Android and iPad/iPhone, as well as laptop/PC, when we send you your webinar links. You will be able to join anonymously and no one will be able to see or hear you, but there's a Q&A component where you can type in questions or make comments.
Please feel free to share this offer of free to view webinars with anyone who you think might benefit.
Visit our COVID_19 resources page for details of crisis support, covid19 advice, online learning, online activities, and staying connected: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/covid-19-resources.html
With very best wishes,
The team at South London and Maudsley Recovery College

There is, of course, no obligation to make a donation.
This is the link to make a donation if you’d like to: