We understand how difficult a time this is for everybody, and particularly for people who experience long term health conditions. As SLaM Recovery College is unable to offer any classroom-based workshops now, our team has been working behind the scenes to develop online content, including vlogs, webinars and e-learning. These sessions are available to everyone, free of charge. You don’t need to be a SLaM Recovery College student or have any connection at all to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. We just ask that you answer a few questions and let us know which sessions you’d like to be a part of, using one of the registration forms links below, and we’ll then send you links to the webinars you’ve chosen.
N.B. The great majority of our webinars are run as Live Events on the Microsoft Teams platform, meaning that you can join anonymously and will neither be seen nor heard. Instead, you interact by typing questions and comments into a Q&A panel. Occasionally we will run a course in a Meetings format for a limited group of students, where you will be seen and heard, but these will be clearly identified as such.
Every Friday we will email you the details of the online learning we are offering in the following week.
N.B. If you can't make a particular live event you can still enrol and use the link we'll send you to watch a recording later on
Daily Mindfulness (you can attend as many or as few as you’d like):
Monday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Monday 7th December
Tuesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Tuesday 8th December
Wednesday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Wednesday 9th December
Thursday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Thursday 10th December
N.B. This will be a recording, not a live webinar
Friday Mindfulness | 10:30am-11:15am | Friday 11th December
N.B. This will be a recording, not a live webinar
Introduction to Coaching Skills Part 3 (of 4) | 10:30am-11:30am| Monday 7th December
Coaching is a way of opening up spaces for personal reflection, helping people become aware of their strengths and resourcefulness, and supporting them to achieve their goals. Coaching is a series of conversations between a coach and another person aimed at bringing out the best in the person being coached. Whether we are mental health professionals, people who use services, or carers and supporters, we all know that the quality of the relationships and the conversations we have are very important. Coaching tools and techniques can support people’s recovery by helping them tackle the challenges and everyday stresses of life.
Making Changes Part 3 (of 4) | 2:30pm-3:30pm | Monday 7th December
The aim of this course is to enable participants to explore, embrace and prepare for the challenges involved when embarking on a change of lifestyle. This may include reducing alcohol consumption, embarking on an exercise programme or a healthy eating plan. The learning will be applicable to any type of change someone wishes to make in their life. We will also look at decision making and managing and maintaining the process of recovery as it applies, for example, to relapse prevention.
Understanding Psychosis (seven-part course)
A seven-part course about different aspects of psychosis, including schizophrenia, hearing voices, and taking control of your medication. Although we recommend taking part in all seven sessions, they can also be watched as stand-alones.
Part 3: support and the future| 2:30pm-3:30pm | Monday 7th December
Part 4: hearing voices A| 2:30pm-3:30pm | Wednesday 9th December
Smoking and COVID-19 | 11am-12noon | Wednesday 9th December
In this session, Mary Yates, Nurse Consultant in SLaM, outlines why it’s more important than ever before to quit smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic. She will give an overview of the best ways to quit and how to access support. She will also explain why some researchers think that nicotine (NOT SMOKING!) may help protect against COVID-19.
Parks, Walks and Walking Meditation Part 2 (of 2) |12noon-1pm | Thursday 10th December
Lockdown has meant that a lot of us are spending way more time indoors. This two-part workshop aims to encourage and inspire you to:
- Learn about the benefits of walking for wellbeing
- Learn about Peckham Rye Park and parks in your locality
- Discover activities you can do in your local park and London walks
- Discover how to practice walking meditation (complimentary walking meditation MP3 available to all workshop attendees)
Understanding and Managing Health Anxiety Part 2 (of 2) | 2:30pm-3:30pm | Friday 11th December
Health anxiety is the name used when you spend so much time worrying that you're ill, or about getting ill, that it starts to take over your life. For many people, the Covid-19 pandemic has increased these types of worries. This course will look at some of the causes of health anxiety and the things you can do to lessen these worries and the impact on your life.
FIRST TIME REGISTRATION, if you haven’t signed up to a webinar with us before (even if you are a SLaM Recovery College student):
RETURNING STUDENTS REGISTRATION, if you have already signed up to a webinar with us before:
Ldn Dares Guest Webinar: Choose Confidence and Nurture a Positive Body Image |10:30am-11:45am | Friday 11th December
A webinar for SLaM Recovery College webinar students, lasting just over an hour (no recording is available after the session), delivered by Ldn Dares on Zoom (see registration link below).
This webinar teaches tools that tap away at insecurities, inspire confidence, and nurture a positive body image. We do this through our use of drama, activities and, of course, Dares!
Ldn Dares is the only arts in healthcare organisation in the UK that supports nurturing body confidence through the use of performing arts - and has done so for the past seven years. In this webinar the team will guide you through:
• What is confidence and body confidence?
• How can nurturing a positive body image be beneficial?
• Delving into how historical, cultural and economic climates affect our relationship with our bodies around the globe.
• Exploring the positive effects of using drama and acting technique to increase confidence and support a positive body image.
• Watching a live demonstration of a confidence tool used by actors on stage, you can use in your daily life.
• Learning 10 Daring steps to a positive body image.
• Getting a body confidence tool gifted to you to continue your body confidence journey (this will be e-mailed after the session).
When: Dec 11, 2020 10:30 AM London
Topic: Choose Confidence & Nurture a Positive Body Image: Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
A paid opportunity for people who live in the New Cross & Evelyn area in Lewisham, or are registered with a North Lewisham GP
King's Health Partners are recruiting Lewisham residents who have experienced Covid-19 for a series of sessions to share their stories and contribute to improving their local health and care. Participants will be compensated for their time. You will receive a £40 voucher for each session you attend.
More info about this event:
Have you had Covid-19 or cared for someone who did? If yes, we would like to invite you to join us online (Zoom) to share your experiences with Covid-19 and help your local NHS service deliver more personalised care. We would like to work with you to improve health and social care so that it focuses on what matters to you and gives you more choice and control. Together, we will inform decision makers and help shape the support for health and wellbeing in diverse communities most impacted by Covid-19. The first session is on 16 Dec, 1pm-3pm. There will be two more sessions in January – we’d love you to join all three.
Please register on Eventbrite to join: Covid-19 workshop: Sharing experiences and designing better care together Tickets, Wed 16 Dec 2020 at 13:00 | Eventbrite
Please feel free to share this offer of free-to-view webinars with anyone who you think might benefit.
Visit our COVID_19 resources page for details of crisis support, covid-19 advice, online learning, online activities, and staying connected: https://www.slamrecoverycollege.co.uk/covid-19-resources.html
With very best wishes,
The team at South London and Maudsley Recovery College
Although these courses are free, SLaM Recovery College operates with charity funding. If you feel these webinars help you, and you are able to, please consider making a donation to the brilliant Maudsley Charity which supports innovative wellbeing projects in our communities. There is, of course, no obligation to make a donation. This is the link to make a donation if you’d like to: https://maudsleycharity.org/support-us/make-a-donation/ |