Some of the stories collected will be placed on the Faculty website. They may also be used in future reports and campaigns.
The RCoP appreciate that sharing your story with others can be difficult and thatyou may need support from carers or the individual who has invited you to participate.
Taking part in our project is entirely voluntary, and stories will be anonymised. All stories of living with long term mental health conditions are appreciated. These may include your experience of mental health rehabilitation services e.g. how you accessed services; what you feel helped and what didn’t; what would you like services to know and do differently?
Patients and carers with lived experience are leading on this project.
Please see and download this form if you are interested in taking part. You can return the form by post to:
Catherine Langley
Faculty & Committee Manager
Royal College of Psychiatrists
21 Prescott Street
E1 8BB
Or by email to [email protected]
With very best wishes,
The team at South London and Maudsley Recovery College